WICCA ZINE # 5 - Learn Wicca, Unlock the Power of The Altar
Wicca Zine Lesson 5
Continue your journey to become the Witch you were meant to be. Everthing you need to know about the Wiccan Altar including altar placement, set-up, and decoration. Follow along with the Altar Blessing, then learn how to bless and consecrate your spell and ritual items. This Zine is packed full of information to help you on your path. Get ready for a magical experience! Let's tap into the power of the divine energy around us!
These lessons are exactly what I teach to new Coven members so that they may attain 1st Degree status.
This Wicca Zine Course covers everything you need to get started with Wicca, offering an inclusive spiritual path as you learn at your own pace.
Whether you’re a beginner seeking guidance or a seasoned witch
This printable digital zine will provide the perfect foundation for your magickal journey to the Goddess. With simple steps, informative content, and inspirational exercises to engage in, you will strengthen your connection with nature and open yourself up to life’s meaningful possibilities. Live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature – unlock the power of Wicca with Wicca Lesson 5 Zine today! Makes a great gift too.
What's in Lesson 5
- Creating an Altar
- Altar Placement
- What to Put on Your Altar
- Simple Wiccan Altar
- Elements Altar
- Deity Altar
- Altar Cleaning
- Refreshing your Altar
- Simple Altar Blessing
- Daily Altar Practise
- What is Consecration?
- Consecration Ritual
- Energy Work
- Homework
- 21 page PDF
- Pages are Zine sized 5.75 x 8.25 inches