7 ARCHANGELS Gabriel, Raphael Michael, Uriel, Chamuel, Zadkiel, Jophiel
Add the wisdom and insight of the Archangels to invoke healing blessings and angel tokens into your life.
This archangel printable bundle includes pages associated with each of the seven archangels of solomon's seal, and would make a fabulous angel gift.
- Archangel Title page
- Chamuel
- Gabriel
- Jophiel
- Michael
- Raphael
- Uriel
- Zadkiel
Archangel magick helps us to open up communication with our angels, allowing us to better understand their messages and receive their blessings.
These powerful beings of light make it easier for us to connect with the divine and understand how we can best serve ourselves and others. The archangels are a source of unconditional love that will never run out, helping us along on our journey toward spiritual growth and greater understanding.
Everything you need to know before you invoke these powerful guides
Who can assist with gaining insight into any problem or situation while also providing protection and guidance through tough times. Gorgeous printable Book of Shadows pages that not only have the Angelic correspondences but also include perfumes and ink recipes specific to each Archangel.
- 8 page Parchment Background PDF
- 8 page White Background PDF