GODDESS NUT Mythology of the Egyptian Goddess of the Sky Stars and Heavens
GODDESS NUT - Lore and Mythology of the Egyptian Goddess of the Sky Stars and Heavens.
These pages provide a divine introduction to the wisdom of Nut and ancient Egyptian magick. Dive into the mythology of Nut - an ancient Egyptian sky goddess associated with stars, heaven, night, creation and rebirth.
Attune to her myths to receive energetic guidance from Nut herself or use these pages as a reference for your own goddess journey.
Each page included in this collection offers an engaging insight into the lore of Nut - drawing upon her power as star goddess, heaven goddess, creator goddess, mother goddess - and so much more!
Explore her ancient mythologies as well as modern applications through folklore tales, symbols and signs related to this heavenly Goddess.
Discover how you can worship this ancient spirit or use the pages as a guide to set up an altar dedicated to Nut to create a powerful connection with her in your sacred space. Whether for yourself or given as a gift, allow yourself be woven into her celestial realm of mystery and spiritual discovery.
- 5 Page parchment background PDF
- 5 Page white background PDF