MOON WATER, Wicca Water Blessing Recipe, How to Make & Use
Everything you need to know about Moon Water.
With these printable pages you will learn:
- What Moon Water is
- How to Make Moon Water
- Magick Properties of Moon Water for each of the 13 Monthly Moons
Moon Water Potion is charged by the Moon Goddess to craft an intensely powerful lunar water.
This is an ancient practice developed by witches to capture the power of the full moon and amplify their spells and rituals. Although it can be made during any phase of the moon, it is believed to be at its strongest when crafted during a full moon.
With this digital download, you'll have all the tools needed to create your own amazing Homemade Moon Water with Lunar Power!
At the next Full Moon try this Wicca Water Blessing and add some Moon Magick to your next ritual or spell.
What You Get:
- 3 Page PDF