MABON SABBAT BUNDLE, Correspondences, Equinox Ritual Magic
These printables will help you explore the Wiccan mysteries of Mabon Sabbat with all that it entails and will provide you with everything essential to understanding Mabon Sabbat and its significance to Wicca. Within each page, you'll find detailed information on what this Sabbat means, how to perform its rituals, how to connect with energy, as well as spells and magick correspondences so that you can deepen your understanding even further. When your purchase this listing, you will receive a download link for all the files. The files are much too large to be downloaded from Etsy!
Known as the pagan Thanksgiving, the second harvest marks the time of the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal. It is a time of balance, equality, and harmony. Modern Mabon celebrations are a time to give thanks for the abundance of Mother Earth - and to reflect on the Wheel of the Year, recognizing what worked for you and letting go of the things that didn't.
MABON SABBAT BUNDLE, Correspondences, Equinox Ritual Magic