ANUBIS Egyptian God, God of Mummification & Embalming
ANUBIS 3 printable pages: your go-to source for all things related to the esteemed Jackal God!
These pages provide a wealth of information about this ancient figure, including his role in mythology, art, and religion. Whether you’re just beginning your exploration of Egyptian culture or are well-versed in its mysteries, these pages will help you gain a deeper understanding of Anubis and his influence throughout history.
Become acquainted with the myterious god of mummification, embalming, and the underworld.
These Book of Shadows pages provide facts on Anubis’s connection to, and power over death itself. For those seeking spiritual enrichment, these pages are an invaluable resource for learning how to properly honor Anubis and reap the rewards of connecting with this powerful deity.
- 3 Page parchment background PDF
- 3 Page white background PDF